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KVS Education Code

Kendriya Vidyalya Sangathan 


Education Code of Kendriya Vidyalya Sangathan is a collection of law directly related to how this organization do work well. its have a listed criteria who define the role of organization stakeholder. Education code decide a structural role of organization. its says to stakeholders that what can you do and what you do not. He define the role of every stakeholder of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan.

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The following content are available in Education code: 

1, Definitions 8 - 9
2. Organizational set-up of the Sangathan 10 - 16

The Sangathan
Standing Committees
Additional Commissioner
Joint Commissioners
Branch Officers
Deputy Commissioner ( Regional Office)

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3. Duties and Powers of Officers of the Sangathan and the Principals 17- 32
Functions and Powers of the Board of Governors Chairman of the Sangathan / BOG
Joint Chairman and Deputy Chairman
Vice- Chairman
Additional Commissioner ( Administration )
Additional Commissioner ( Academics )
Joint Commissioner ( Admn./ Pers.)
Joint Commissioner ( Acad./ Trg.)
Joint Commissioner ( Finance)
Deputy Commissioner
Branch Officers at the HQ
Assistant Commissioner
Vice Principal
Officiating arrangement during the absence
of the Principal
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4. Vidyalaya Management Committee 33-40
Vidyalaya Management Committee
Composition of VMC
Tenure of the VMC
Functions/ powers of the Management Committee
Executive Committee of the VMC
Proceedings of the Executive Committee
Functions and Powers of the Executive Committee
Regional Advisory Committee in KVS
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5. Classification, Recruitment, Terms and Conditions of Service 41-62
Procedure for Direct Recruitment
Exceptions to the Recruitment Procedure
Special Provisions for Recruitment of Female Teachers
TA/ Honorarium for the members of the Selection Committee
Guidelines for Reservations
Appointing, Disciplinary , Appellate & Reviewing Authorities
Staff Strength of Vidyalayas ( Teaching & Non- Teaching )
Appointment Order
Production of Certificates on Appointment
Pay Scale
Leave Rules
Retention of Lien
Terminal Benefits
Age of Retirement
Re- employment of Teachers Retiring on
Resignation and Voluntary Retirement
Pre- mature Retirement
Issue of No Objection Certificate for
Registration with the Employment Exchange
Foreign Service Terms
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6. Code of Conduct 63-67
For Teachers
For Students
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7. Miscellaneous Matters Relevant to Service in 68-88
Service Records
Verification of Character and Antecedents
Report on Probationers
Annual Increment
Last Pay Certificate
Definition of Vacation and Non- vacation staff
Admissibility of Vacation Pay to Teachers and
Other Staff categorized as “ Vacational”
Payment of Allowances during Vacation
Transport Allowance
Leave Salary of Deputationists
Forwarding of Applications for posts elsewhere
Representation from Staff of Vidyalayas
Appointment of KV Teachers as Centre
Superintendents of Exams. Conducted
by the CBSE
Permission to Teachers to Appear at
Higher Examinations
Provision of Uniforms for Group ‘D’ Employees
Change of Name of Employee
Law Suits Against the Sangathan or
Kendriya Vidyalayas
Medical Facilities
8. Discipline 89-96
Extension of the Application of CCS ( CCA)
Rules , 1965
Termination of Service in certain cases – Special Procedure
Termination of Service of an employee found guilty of immoral behavior towards students
Voluntary Abandonment of Service
Powers of the Executive Committee for
initiating disciplinary proceedings
Standard Forms
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9. Annual Performance Appraisal Reports 97 103
Guidelines for Preparation & Maintenance of APARs
Reporting and Reviewing Officers
Time Schedule for Preparation and
Submission of APARs
Communication of Adverse Remarks
Representation against Adverse Remarks
10. Morning Assembly 104-107
Common Prayer and Common Uniform
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11. Admission Guidelines 108-129
Admission Guidelines
Admission to Pre- primary Classes
Admission without Transfer Certificate
Admission to a Higher Class
Admission to a lower class on failing in
Admission Test
Admission to the same class after failing in the Annual Exam.
Admission as regular student after failing in the Board Exam.
Equivalence of Classes
Format of Transfer Certificate
Affidavit for verifying genuineness of TC
Change of Date of Birth
Rules for Correction of Date of Birth
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12. Rules for Examination and Promotion 130-140
Tests & Examinations
Promotion Rules
13. Scheme of Studies and Syllabus 141-148
Scheme of Studies
Organistion of Academic Work
Policy for Prescribing Textbooks in KVs
Medium of Instruction
Courses on Speaking Proficiency in Languages
Guidance and Counselling Services
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14. Academic Supervision 149-150
Academic Supervision
Maintenance of Records
15. Fees and Funds etc. 151-155
Admission Fee
Tuition Fee
Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi
Computer Fee
Re – admission Fee
Schedule of Collection of Tuition Fee & VVN
Educational Concessions to the Children of
Officers and men of Armed Forces killed /disabled in Hostilities
16. Health and Physical Education 156 163
KVS Sports Control Board
Contribution from Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi
Mass Participation
Inter- School Tournaments
Preparation of teams at Vidyalaya level
for tournaments
Sports Scholarships & Awards
Promotion of Sports & Games,
Arts & Crafts in KVs
Scout & Guide Activities
Compulsory Medical check – up of Students
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17. General Provisions for Schools 164 179
Vidyalaya Patrika
Vidyalaya Library and Laboratories
Class Libraries
Students’ Diary
Incentive Awards to Teachers
National Awards to Teachers
Functioning of Hostels
Hostel Charges
Staff for Hostels
Medical Unit
Expenditure on Hostels – Non- recurring and Recurring
Parent Teacher Association
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18. Land and Buildings 180-191
Space Norms
Constructions Agencies and Classification of Works
Procedure and Stages in Sanction of
School Building Projects
Financial Powers
Maintenance of Vidyalaya Building & Campus
Monitoring of Works
Time Schedule
KVS Staff Quarters
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19. Service Associations / Joint Consultative Machinery and Grievance Redressal 192-194
Service Associations and Joint
Consultative Machinery
Redressal of Grievances
Cell for Redressal of Griveances of
SC/ST Employees
Cell for Redressal of Sexual Harassment
Complaints of Woman Employees


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