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Showing posts with the label Trail Balance Printout from Tally

Trail Balance Printout from Tally

How can you printout a perfect trail balance from Tally ? Here is some steps for printout a perfect trail balance from tally. Open your company in tally and you see a dialog box of "Gateway of Tally"  In Gateway of Tally go to "Display" In Display Menu you can see Trial Balance , Go to "Trial Balance" After Enter in Trail Balance you can see Print option tab on left side corner. Click Print tab. After Clicking Print tab a dialog box of Printing Trial Balance will be open. Enter Backspace for reach "Scale factor for values : Default". Than after press enter for remaining formatting. Put Yes in Show Opening Balance. "Show Transaction" should be "Yes". Net Transaction Only should be "No".   "Method of Information should be "Item-wise" Than Finally you can Print.