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Showing posts with the label General Finance Rule 2005

GFR 2005 (General Finance Rule 2005)

 General Finance Rule 2015 (GFR - 2005) Government of India, Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditures announce General Finance Rule 2005 to followed all offices of Government of India while dealing with matters of a financial nature. General Financial Rules were first issued in 1947 and were in the form of executive instructions. These were subsequently modified and issued as General Financial Rules, 1963. Over the last four decades, these GFRs had to be amplified and supplemented by various decisions of the Government of India. Many of the rules had also become redundant. These developments including a rapid growth of alternative service delivery systems, developments in information technology, outsourcing of services and liberalization of the system of procurement, accounting and disposal of goods in line with the international practices necessitated an overall review of the General Financial Rules, 1963. A Task Force was set up for this purpose. The report submitted by the Tas