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Showing posts with the label GEM

Proposal on Minimum Floor price for minimum wage based Manpower Outsourcing Service.

Proposal on Minimum Floor price for minimum wage based Manpower Outsourcing Service. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan issued a letter with refer office memorandum No. 6/1/2023/-PPD dated 06/01/2023 of Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure Procurement policy Division vide letter no. 110239/51/2022/budget/kvs(hq) dated: 10.01.2023 regarding Proposal on Minimum Floor price for minimum wage based Manpower Outsourcing Service. Click Here for More Details and Full Circular in Pdf. Click Here for More Details and Full Circular in Pdf. Shri Kanwalpreet Director PPD is directed to refer to Government e-Marketplace (GeM) OM No. 9/JS&ACE0/2022 dated 22.12.2022 regarding the subject cited above and to say as under. a) The minimum service charges on the procurement of Manpower Outsourcing service may be fixed as 3.85% as proposed by GeM.  b) The procuring entities can also fix the service charge above 3.85% with proper justification on file wherever required However such

Manual For Procurement of Works (Updated June, 2022)

Manual For Procurement of Works (Updated June, 2022) The Manual for Procurement of Works was comprehensively revised and issued in 2019. The manual, over a period of time, has become a standard reference document for officials involved in Public Procurement across all Ministries/ Departments/ Attached and Sub-ordinate bodies/ Central Public Sector Enterprises. etc. The Manual is also a resource material for institutes providing training on Public Procurement. Public Procurement is a dynamic field where policies are constantly reviewed to help Government achieve its socio-economic or strategic goals. Hence, there is a need to keep reference documents, like manuals, updated to ensure their continued relevance. Instructions on procurement issued by Department of Expenditure from time to time, since issuance of last Manual, have been incorporated in the current edition. Further, all procurement related instructions issued by Central Vigilance Commission have been subsumed into the Manual,