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Showing posts with the label Counting of service in State Government Central Government

NPS : Counting of service on- joining new service in. State Government Central Government / autonomous body for the benefit of gratuity in respect of Central Govt. Employees covered under National Pension System (NPS).

Counting of service on- joining new service in. State Government Central Government / autonomous body for the benefit of gratuity in respect of Central Govt. Employees covered under National Pension System (NPS). The undersigned is directed to say that vide this Department's O.M. No.38/41/06-P&PW(A) dated 05.05.2009, in the event of death / disability during service, the benefits of Invalid / Disability pension, Family pension and retirement / death gratuity were provisionally extended to NPS employees at par with the employees appointed before 01.01.2004. Subsequently, the benefit of retirement gratuity and death gratuity has been extended to all Central Government employees covered under National Pension System (NPS) vide this Department's OM No. 7/5/2012-P&PW(F)B dated 26.08.2016 on the same terms and conditions, as are applicable to employees covered by CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. 2. References have been received in the Department seeking clarification with regard to