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Showing posts with the label Amendment in Rule for Existing Provisions of GFRs 2017

Replacement of name of erstwhile DGS&D (Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals) by GeM (Government e-Marketplace) in General Financial Rules (GFRs) 2017 - reg.

Amendment in Rule for Existing Provisions of GFRs 2017 After interduce Gem (Government e Market) Replacement of name of erstwhile DGS&D (Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals) by GeM (Government e-Marketplace) in General Financial Rules (GFRs) 2017 - reg. Government of India, Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure Procurement Policy Division issued an Office Memorandum regarding Replacement of name of erstwhile DGS&D (Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals) by GeM (Government e-Marketplace) in General Financial Rules (GFRs) 2017 - reg.vide Memo NO. F.1/26/2018-PPD dated 2nd April 2019. K Narayana Reddy, Under Secretary to the Govt. of India directed to refer Supply Division, Department of Commerce (DoC) OM No. 1(1)/2018-Pol. Dated 20.08.2018 proposing changes in GFRs, 2017 and to say that the proposal of DoC has been examined and it has been decided with the approval of Finance Minister to make changes to the GFRs, 2017 as accordingly to this Memo afte